How Telecommuters Can Maintain Work-Life Balance
According to Dr. Godwin Ofikwu , if you are a telecommuter, it can be challenging to draw the line between personal time and work time. Make sure your office has the most up-to-date technology and that you can be reached via phone or text. Set goals for yourself and your coworkers, particularly if you have a tendency to overachieve at work. If you have to take a 20-minute walk during your lunch break, try not to feel bad. A reduced workweek or a job sharing arrangement may also be beneficial. Finally, you must learn to let go of your perfectionist impulses and relax. Because you've built routines over time, finding a work-life balance can be tough. To begin, try taking a daily five-minute tech-free break. This minor goal will pay off in the long run. You'll be much more likely to achieve work-life balance if you make a conscious effort to appreciate your family and leisure time. There are a variety of techniques to improve your work-life balance, which may surprise you. Setting...